Alex`s Sushi Page
Sushi is just Rice with a few ingredients
If You have never tried sushi ( because you dont like raw fish ) then you have missed out
"here some I made earlier"
on one of lifes cheapest but so very tasty treats. And its so easy to make you will wish you
had done it a long time ago , and your friends will be so impressed at your skill.
Well here goes , for a start you can put in sushi just about anything you like from cooked
egg ,your fav meat , and not forgetting the raw fish if that what you like .
I prefer a little smoked salmon some cuecumber a piece of spring
onion and
some wasabi for a bit of a kick in the tail so to speak.
But if you would prefer to try a little ham with egg
SEAWEED (nori) well I supose the nearest thing to the taste of seaweed I would say is
that its in the same clsss as Liqurish but more delicate
Things to try in sushi , all i can say is let your imagination go wild
Easiest to start is with rolled sushi ( you can get a ready made sushi from
most supermarkets now but its not the same as doing it yourself )
I Wont use any fancy names here but the general idea is to start of with some
seaweed on a flat mat
( bamboo mats are easy to roll ) spread the rice over
aprox 1/2 the seaweed about 1/4 inch thick ,
lay ingredients in the centre across rice then roll it up , when rolled ingredients
should be in middle of roll, moisten edge with a little rice vingar to seal .
Cut into sections and there you have done it .
That was an very basic edited version , for a full version
try a web search there are plenty of sites out in web land and some great recipies
Learn how to make sushi in this video.